Sunday, November 30, 2008

Artificial Intelligence

There are many forms of artificial intelligence that are being utilized in education. Young learners who do not yet know the keyboard or older learners who never learned to type at a convenient speed can use voice to text recognition. Another AI area is mobile computing where learning can take place from almost anywhere, anytime. Virtual reality is another AI concept where the user views a virtual (behaves as though it is real) enviornment and interacts with it without being immersed in the environment. These are just a few of the areas that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used today. What are other aspects of this type of technology? How will this affect the future of education? What implications will this have for teachers in the classroom?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Professional Development

Professional Development as it relates to technology is questionable. When given training on software packages does it allow for implementation into classroom curriculum? No, because many times the teachers already have most if not all of the skills to operate the software, but how to implement it into the curriculum is the question.

No matter how much training on the software, until there is a change of mind on how best to engage students it will not make a difference. Teachers must have the time and resources needed for collaboration with other teachers to design material that utilizes technology without it being the reason for the lesson.